340B Compliance Partners | Education & Guidance
340B Compliance Partners is a pharmacist-owned and operated private company. Guidance and audits are provided by seasoned pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to more closely resemble the current HRSA 340B program audits. We are committed to a beneficial partnership to improve your program and will be responsive, reliable and thorough with a truly independent lens to review all things 340B. Our corporate slogan states our mission and what we provide as your partner:
"The guidance you want.
The analysis you need."
340B Services Include:
Working with all types of CEs
Work with all TPAs, sign NDAs
Initial Program Setup and Registrations
340B Coordinator Training
Annual Mock HRSA Audits
Customized Monthly Service Plans
(Become Part of Your 340B Team)
C-Suite and Staff Education
Report Card for 340B Program Setup
(TPA Settings/Approach/Expansion)
340B P&P Creation
Facilitate Oversight Committee Meetings (Provide Agenda and Minutes)
HRSA audit support and guidance

No two covered entities are at the same point in their 340B journey, so you can count on 340B Compliance Partners to work with you to create a customized partnership plan.
340B Program Report Card will allow remote and on-site analysis of the 340B Program setup with review of TPA settings, TPA contracts, PSAs for contract pharmacy, 340B P&P, internal and external oversight plan and finally provide a report card to the leadership. Provision of education is a stand alone service and incorporated into our annual audits.

Our Knowledge &
We speak the languages of 340B and Pharmacy – the same language as auditors – allowing us to provide comprehensive audit preparation instead of marking-off the boxes of a checklist.
In fact, our team consists of professionals in the field, people who have administered a 340B program and have been on the front lines from set-up to the addition of contract pharmacies and child sites, through real HRSA audits – all from the covered entity’s perspective.
Invaluable experience that provides unrivaled success.